A Case Study of Vegetation Ma Gement of Abandoned Rice Fields for the Conservation of Water and Wetland Wildlife

A Case Study of Vegetation Ma Gement of Abandoned Rice Fields for the Conservation of Water and Wetland Wildlife

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本研究では, 放棄水田の水生生物を保全するための植生管理手法として, 植生配置のローテーションにより谷全体で種多様性を維持するシステム (シフティング・モザイク・システム) を提案し, その有効性について京都の府立公園予定地を事例に検討した。まず, このシステムを用いるのに適した遷移系列と, 初期化に適した遷移段階を把握し, 次に抽出した植生を対象に初期化を行いその効果を調べた。調査の結果, コナギ群落からカンガレイ群落へとむかう遷移系列において, 植生, 水生昆虫相共に遷移当初の状態が復元でき, システムの有効性が明らかになった。このように本研究は.遷移を前提とした植生管理の一つの方向性を示し得たと考える。

English Abstract

The purpose of this paper is to show one vegetation ma gement method of abandoned rice fields for conservation of water and wetland wildlife. We carried out this study on the abandoned rice fields where Kyoto Prefectural Park is scheduled to be constructed. In this ma gement system, we maintain the diversity of species by keeping patches of various successio l stages in the rotation of progress. We call this system, the “Shifting Mosaic System.” To apply this method, we first selected the suitable sere and the stage for initializing, by using vegetation a lysis. Secondly, we initialized the vegetation that we have selected, and examined whether it was properly initialized. As the results of the study, we found it was suitable in this area to apply this system to the hydrosere shifting from Monochoria uagi lis community to Scirpus triangulatus community. From the study of initialization, it was made clear that by plowing the field sufficiently, it is possible to restore the floristic composition and the fau of aquatic insect in the initial stage. As a conclusion, we believe that by proving the effectiveness of the “Shifting Mosaic System, ” we have shown a way of ma ging the abandoned rice fields considering the process of succession.

Note: This may be a translation of the abstract and not a text provided by authors.

Article Information

Title (non-english): 水生生物の保全を目的とした放棄水田の植生管理手法に関する事例研究
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Year: 2001
Study Design: After
Authors: Kayo ASAMI// Masahiro KAO// Hiroji AKAMATSU// Kazuya TAMURA
Journal: Journal of The Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture
Volume: 64
Issue: 5
Pages: 571-576
City/state or province/country: Miyazu-shi, Kyoto prefecture