About the Colonisation of Artificial, Small Conservation Ponds by Dragonflies

About the Colonisation of Artificial, Small Conservation Ponds by Dragonflies

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Vor dem Hintergrund, dass globaler Umweltschutz nicht aus Gründen der wirtschaftlichen Windausbeute zu lasten des Artenschutzes erfolgen muss, werden Möglichkeiten aufgezeigt, unnötige Fledermausverluste durch WEA deutlich zu reduzieren bzw. zu vermeiden.

English Abstract

In Langenfeld/Northrhine-Westphalia (FRG) the development of Odonata colonization was studied in two new built complexes of ponds over a period of six respectively three years. The colonization by dragonflies proceeded spontaniously and surprisingly fast. Less eutrophic ponds, above all those with gappy crops of rushes, were settled by more numerous and more rare species than more eutrophic ponds. Ponds with dominating Glyceria fluitans were settled by the least number of species. It is discussed, which factors might be important for the colonization. Drying up of the reproduction habitat up to two months did not seem to make an important impact on the Odonata population.

Note: This may be a translation of the abstract and not a text provided by authors.

Article Information

Title (non-english): Zur Besiedlung neugeschafferner, kleiner Artenschutzgewässer durch Libellen
Country: Germany
Language: German
Year: 1988
Study Design: BA
Authors: Hübner
Journal: Libellula
Volume: 7
Issue: 3/4
Pages: 129-145
City/state or province/country: Langenfeld, Germany