Applying Research of Mycorrhizae Technology in the Restoration of Sand Vegetation.

Applying Research of Mycorrhizae Technology in the Restoration of Sand Vegetation.

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沙地植被恢复, 菌根技术, 油松, 樟子松

English Abstract

In Kubuqi sandland adjusting measures to local conditions and spots w ere emphasized particularly to restore vegetation with mycorrhizal technology. According to the local sand soil condition, A and B, which w ere treated with meadow peat or w ithout, respectively, were used, and the local planting species, Pinus tablae f ormis and P . sylvestris w ere selected, while the single innoculum and double innoculums w ere brought into effect. The results in indoor simulated experiments showed that: the single innoculum effects on P. tablaeformis was in order of Cr> Ra > Li > Hm. It was not strongly dependent on meadow peat for seedlings inoculated in double combination innoculum Ra+ Li, Hm+ Lih and Ra+ Cr. But all of the seedlings in CK soil w ithout meadow peat were not grow ing. Cr and Ra w ere recognized as the better innoculums for the restoration of sand vegetation. P . tablaeformis grow th potential w as higher than P . sylvestris w hether using single innoculum or double combina tion. The results in outdoor minitype planting trials showed that: at the same plot three combination innoculum was better than double combination. The seedling biomass inoculated mycorrhizal innocu lum w as higher than that used compound fertilizers. Survival rate of seedlings treated w ith inoculums at different plots was low er than that applying compound fertilizers. It w as conferred that due to time short mycelium and medium w ere not completely fermented in some of the cultured individuals. In combination with drought and soil temperature rising, the medium continue fermenting and decaying, which injured the relatively weak seedlings. T herefore the survival rate of seedlings w as low.

Note: This may be a translation of the abstract and not a text provided by authors.

Article Information

Title (non-english): 菌根技术在沙地植被恢复中的研究
Country: China
Language: Chinese (simplified)
Year: 2004
Study Design: CI
Authors: WANG LihuaHAN GuiyunLI LinDENG ZhengzhengKOU ZhenwuLI YingmeiDING JianguoREN Xueming
Journal: Chinese Journal of Ecology
Volume: 23
Issue: 5
Pages: 236-240
City/state or province/country: Ordos CityInner MongoliaChina