Breeding Birds of the “bocage” in the Morvan (burgundy Region, France)

Breeding Birds of the “bocage” in the Morvan (burgundy Region, France)

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English Abstract

The breeding birds of the “bocage” (mosaic of small fields, hedgerows and woods) a semi-natural landscape, created through farming, are rather poorly known due to the heterogeneity of
this habitat. In order to study this avifauna in the
Morvan we used a territory mapping technique in
three 100 ha plots representing different types of
“bocage” characterised by variations in average
field size. We recorded an increase in total density
and species richness in relation to a decrease
in field size and an increase in the abundance of
woodlands. We also noted that the amount of
consuming biomass in the bocage was similar to
the one found in young woodlands. This study
indicates that in the Morvan in this transition from
woodland to farmed areas the distribution of bird
species is affected by habitat structure on a horizontal
level (size of fields) and on a vertical one
with (importance of trees and shrubs strata).
Although there are no typical species to this habi-
tat because of its anthropic origins, it allows
species from bushy steppe (MARION, 1999;
MARION & FROCHOT, 2001 ) such as Shrikes (Lanius
spp.) to breed in areas were the ecological conditions
are not favourable for them. A loss of
bocage heterogeneity through loss of hedgerows
or plantation of conifers would lead to a loss in
species diversity and less notable communities.

Note: This may be a translation of the abstract and not a text provided by authors.

Article Information

Country: France
Language: French
Year: 2004
Study Design: RCT
Authors: Pierre MARION
Journal: Alauda
Volume: 72
Issue: 1
Pages: 33-45
City/state or province/country: Dun-les-Places, Quarré-les-Tombes, Saint-Martin de la Mer / Morvan / France