Comparison of Adventitious Root Formation and Lateral Bud Development Among Ficus Pumila, F. Oxyphylla, and F. Thunbergii

Comparison of Adventitious Root Formation and Lateral Bud Development Among Ficus Pumila, F. Oxyphylla, and F. Thunbergii

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オオイタビ (Fp) 類3種の2節挿しで発根特性と側芽の成長を比較した。幼形枝ではイタビカヅラ (Fo) が他の2種よりも高い発根率を示したが, オーキシン ( A) 処理区では差はなかった。成形枝ではFpの発根率が劣り, Foが優れていた。Fpおよびヒメイタビ (Ft) では A処理, 無処理区ともに幼形枝の発根率が有意に高かった。枝からの挿し穂採取位置はFoとFtの無処理区で, 下部挿し穂の発根率が有意に劣った。挿し木後側芽が発達した分枝の長さと葉数はFpがFtよりも大きな値を示すものの有意な差ではなかった。以上から, FpとFtが挿し木発根および発根当初の分枝の成長に類似した特性を持つこと, さらに, Foの幼形が他の2種より容易に発根することが明らかとなった。

English Abstract

Adventitious root formation and lateral shoot growth was studied in juvenile and adult Ficus pumila (Fp), F. oxyphylla (Fo) and F.thunbergii (Ft) using two node-stem cuttings. In both Fp and Ft, j uvenile cuttings showed larger adventitious root formation than adult ones, but such difference was not observed in Fo. The position of cuttings on the shoot did not affect the rooting ability in juvenile shoots of Fp and Ft, but in cuttings derived from upper part of adult shoots of Ft and Fo, adventitious rooting occurred at higher ratio than in lower ones. Eighteen weeks after the cuttings were placed, growth of lateral buds was estimated in juvenile Fp and Ft cuttings. In Fp, length and number of nodes of lateral shoots were larger than in Ft. In practice, some nurserymen usually treat cuttings of Fp and Ft similarly because they believe there is no difference in growth of the lateral shoots from the cuttings between Fp and Ft. But, the present study showed the presence of such difference. Further experiment seems to be needed to clarify this point in detail.

Note: This may be a translation of the abstract and not a text provided by authors.

Article Information

Title (non-english): 日本に自生するつる性Ficus 3種の挿し木発根特性と側芽の生育
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Year: 1998
Study Design: CI
Authors: Takashi SHIMOMURA// Seiei YOGI
Journal: Journal of The Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture
Volume: 61
Issue: 5
Pages: 493-496
City/state or province/country: Mi mikawachi-gun, Osaka prefecture, Japan