Confinement of a Colony of Tadarida Brasiliensis, an Alternative of Management Compatible With Conservation

Confinement of a Colony of Tadarida Brasiliensis, an Alternative of Management Compatible With Conservation

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English Abstract

The Escaba dam is in the southwest of Tucumán province, northwestern of Argentina. The characteristics of the structure of the dam favored the development of a colonial aggregation of Tadarida brasiliensis. The colony is protected and the species is included in the Convention on Conservation to Migratory Wild Animal Species, to which Argentina has adhered in 1991. As an alternative that could make compatible the opposed interests of the conservationists groups and the civil employees in charge of the security of the dam, the colony of bats was relocated and confined to one of the seven inner bays of the structure, without affecting the integrity of the colony. The controlled confinement will facilitate the later tasks of auscultation, indispensable to guarantee the security of the dam, the people, and the material goods and productive activities downstream, and will constitute an alternative of viable handling for the protection of the colony.

Note: This may be a translation of the abstract and not a text provided by authors.

Article Information

Title (non-english): Confinamento de una colonia de Tadarida brasiliensis, una alternativa de manejo compatible con la conservación
Country: Brazil
Language: Spanish
Year: 2003
Study Design: After
Authors: H. Regidor / S. Mosa / A. Nuñez
Journal: Chiroptera Neotropical
Volume: 9
Pages: 32-41
City/state or province/country: Tucuman province / Argentina