Conservation Practice of Artificial Breeding Red-crowned Crane in Zhalong Nzture Reserve,china

Conservation Practice of Artificial Breeding Red-crowned Crane in Zhalong Nzture Reserve,china

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就地保护中实施迁地保护是濒危物种保护的较为有效的形式遥 扎龙保护区自 员怨苑远 年筹建以来袁 就计划并开展了以人工辅助繁育丹顶鹤渊郧则怎泽 躁葬责燥灶藻灶泽蚤泽冤种群为平台的孵化尧训飞尧放飞工作袁本文通过 常规的统计方法对扎龙保护区自建区以来的丹顶鹤孵化尧训飞尧放飞数据进行了分析遥 结果显示袁建区 至今袁人工辅助繁育丹顶鹤种群的年均孵化成功率为 苑苑郾 源员豫 渊员怨愿员 年最高袁为 员园园豫 冤曰孵化成活量整体 呈上升趋势袁年均约为 圆苑 只渊圆园园猿 年最高袁为 缘圆 只冤袁近 员园 年来基本维持在 猿园 耀缘园 只之间曰训飞规模在 逐年提高袁近年来基本维持在 员园园 耀 员圆园 只之间曰放飞规模与训飞规模同步也在逐年提高袁年均放飞 愿 只袁圆园园怨 年以来维持在 员园 只以上曰放飞野化的丹顶鹤已记录于中国的江苏盐城保护区尧山东黄河三角洲 保护区尧韩国铁原地区遥 进一步分析表明袁扎龙保护区在丹顶鹤保护方面已取得了一定的成绩遥

English Abstract

Ex-situ conservation implementation in in-situ conservation is the more effective protection way for endangered wildlife conservation. Since 1976,the Zhalong Nature Reserve has carried out ex-situ conservation works including incubation,training fly and releasement of the Red-crowned Crane( Grus japonensis) based on artificial breeding population. The results showed that from 1976 to now,hatchability of artificial breeding cranes was 77. 41%( with the highest of 100% in 1981). Incubation survival number has increased,with the average of 27 individuals per year and the highest of 52 individuals in 2003. In the last decade,the incubation survival number has been kept around 30- 50 individuals every year. The scale of training fly program also increased,recently,about 100- 120 individuals were trained every year. Associated with the scale of training fly,the scale of releasement was also rising,about 8 individuals was released every year,and after 2009,it was maintained for more than 10 individuals The released Red-crowned Cranes were recorded in the Yancheng Nature Reserve in Jiangsu province,Yellow-river Delta Nature Reserve in Shandong province and Cheorwon near De-military Zone of South Korea. So far,Zhalong Nature Reserve has already got some success.

Note: This may be a translation of the abstract and not a text provided by authors.

Article Information

Title (non-english): 扎龙自然保护区人工辅助繁育丹顶鹤的保护实践
Country: China
Language: Chinese (simplified)
Year: 2013
Study Design: BA
Journal: Chinese Journal of Zoology
Volume: 48
Issue: 5
Pages: 712-716
City/state or province/country: Zhalong Nature Reserve, Daqing, Heilongjiang province, China