Crisis and Reintroduction of the Okayama Race of the Daruma Pond Frog, Ra Porosa Brevipoda

Crisis and Reintroduction of the Okayama Race of the Daruma Pond Frog, Ra Porosa Brevipoda

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山陽地方に生息するダルマガエルRa porosa brevipoda岡山種族は,現在日本で最も絶滅が危倶されているカエル類の地域個体群のひとつである。その中で,土地区画整理事業によって2003年11月に生息地が消滅した広島県神辺町産の個体群を飼育下に緊急避難させ,新たな生息地へ試験的に再導入をおこなった。ダルマガエルの生息には水田環境が絶対条件で,なおかつ,生活史に合わせた人為的な水管理が重要であった。したがって,導入場所の選定にあたっては,地権者である農家の理解と協力が得られるかどうかに重点を置いた。その結果,広島県世羅郡の水田地帯にある休耕地を試験湿地に設定し,2004年5月-6月にかけて幼体117個体,幼生2,947個体の導入を行った。その後のモニタリングでは,2004年10月には,成体18個体,幼体248個体,合計266個体のダルマガエルが確認された。翌2005年6月には少なくとも3クラッチ分の自然産卵が確認され,同年10月には,成体15個体,幼体60個体,合計75個体のダルマガエルが確認された。以上により,飼育集団をある程度残した上で,自立した野外集団の創出に成功した。この結果を受けて,2005年には新たな導入地を設定し,幼生の導入を始めている。今後は追加導入およびモニタリングを実施し,定着へ向けての活動を継続する予定である。

English Abstract

The Okayama race of Ra porosa brevipoda in the Sanyo region is one of the most endangered local populations of frogs in Japan. In 2003, it became clear that its habitat in Kan be-cho in Hiroshima Prefecture would be lost because of a land readjustment project. Therefore, all individuals in the habitat were captured and kept in captivity. After the decision was made to reintroduce their offspring to a new habitat, paddy fields, our greatest concern was whether we could attain the understanding and cooperation of the farmer/landowners. Paddy fields provide a suitable habitat, but it would be necessary to control the water level in accordance with the frogs’ life stage. A fallow field located in a paddy field area of Sera-gun, Hiroshima Prefecture, was selected as the reintroduction site, and 117 young and 2,947 larvae were reintroduced there in May and June 2004. Monitoring was conducted after the introduction, with 18 adults and 248 young (266 individuals in total) being recorded in October 2004. The following year, three clutches of eggs were found at the study site in June and 15 adults and 60 young (75 individuals in total) were recorded in October. We succeeded in establishing a sustai ble population in the wild, while maintaining a reproductive group in captivity. In 2005, we selected a new site and reintroduced larvae. We plan to conduct another reintroduction at this site and continue monitoring to observe the sustai bility of the population.

Note: This may be a translation of the abstract and not a text provided by authors.

Article Information

Title (non-english): ダルマガエルRa porosa brevipoda岡山種族の危機と再導入の試み
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Year: 2006
Study Design: After
Authors: Takeshi KAMEYAMA// Toshihiro MORITA// Sumio OKADA// Jyunichi ITO// Taeko UTSUNOMIYA
Journal: Japanese Journal of Conservation Ecology
Volume: 11
Pages: 158-166
City/state or province/country: Sera-cho, Sera-gun, Hiroshima prefecture, Japan