Dy Mics of Undergrowth and Its Application to Vegetation Control of Planted Chamaecyparis Obtusa Endl. Forests With Special Reference to Mitigation of Surface Soil Loss

Dy Mics of Undergrowth and Its Application to Vegetation Control of Planted Chamaecyparis Obtusa Endl. Forests With Special Reference to Mitigation of Surface Soil Loss

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林分密度管理をヒノキ人工林における土壌保全目的での下層植生管理に応用するために, 高知県下のヒノキ人工林に28の調査プロットを設け, 下層植生に対する強度間伐の影響と, 通常の管理下での下層植生の動態を調べた。強度間伐試験地では設定後2~3年間の収量比数 (Ry) の推移と2~3年後の植被率を調べた。通常施業試験地では設定時を0年次として, 0, 5, 10~13年次のRyと植被率を調べた。その際, 調査プロットの海抜高 (温量指数) に基づいて三つの温度域 (ウラジロ・コシダ域, カシ域, 落葉樹域) を区別し, 植被率を6段階評価した被度指数を土壌侵食抑制効果と光要求度の異なる六つの生活型 (ウラジロ・コシダ, 陽性草本, 林床草本・地表植物, 常緑木本, 落葉木本, ササ) のおのおのについて別個に求めた。強度間伐が被度指数に及ぼす影響は生活型によって異なった。また, 同じ生活型でも温度域によって異なる反応を示すものがあった。通常施業試験地では調査期間を前期 (0→5年次) と後期 (5→10~13年次) に分け, 期間ごとに求めた各生活型の被度指数の期間変化量 (dC) とRyの期間累積偏差 (ΣdRy×100) との関係を調べた。両者の関係には生活型間での差や, 温度域間での差が認められた。また, 生活型別の被度指数の合計値が40未満の林分 (貧植生型林分) と40以上の林分を区別すると, dC とΣdRy×100との関係が両林分間で異なっていた。以上の結果に基づいて, 生活型, 温度域, 貧植生型林分か否か, を区別してRy-植被率関係のデータを集積することにより, 下層植生管理を目的とした密度管理モデルの実用性が高められることを指摘した。

English Abstract

Viewed from the erosion control in Hinoki cypress plantations, the dy mics of undergrowth was studied in order to apply the stand density control to vegetation control. Seventeen study plots were set to monitor long-term (10-to-13-year period) changes in coverage under common silvicultural ractices. Eleven plots were made to study the effects of heavy thinning on coverage 2 to 3 years after treatments. The coverage index was determined for each of the following 6 life forms with different light demand and performance in erosion control: commonest ferns (Gleichenia japonica and Dicranopteris linearis), light-demanding herbs and grasses, shade-tolerant herds (chamaephytes), evergreen trees, deciduous trees, and dwarf bamboos. The following 3 temperature zones were distinguished: zone without the commonest ferns and the evergreen trees, zone without the commonest ferns, and zone with both of the life forms. Another distinction was made regarding the type of vegetation according to the total coverage of the six life forms (CT) as follows: poor vegetation type (CT<40) and others (CT≥40). In both the long-term study and the study on heavy thinning effect, the relationships between the change in yield index and the change in coverage index differed among life forms, temperature zones, and vegetation types. Based on the results, it was pointed out that accumulation of data on the relationship between yield index and coverage should be made with distinctions regarding the life form, the temperature zone, and the vegetation type in order to increase applicability of the stand density control to vegetation control.

Note: This may be a translation of the abstract and not a text provided by authors.

Article Information

Title (non-english): 土壌保全からみたヒノキ人工林の下層植生の動態と植生管理への応用
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Year: 2006
Study Design: CI
Authors: H. Fukata// N. Wata be// N. Kajihara// J. Tsukamoto
Journal: Journal of the Japanese Forest Society
Volume: 88
Issue: 4
Pages: 231-239
City/state or province/country: Kochi prefecture, Japan