Ecology and Breeding Biology of the Hazel Grouse Tetrastes Bo Sia in Captivity 1. Breeding, Artificial Insemi Tion, and Rearing Control

Ecology and Breeding Biology of the Hazel Grouse Tetrastes Bo Sia in Captivity 1. Breeding, Artificial Insemi Tion, and Rearing Control

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エゾライチョウの繁殖生態について,北海道東部の十勝および釧路地方において,1983年と1984年に調査を行なった.また,両年に野外の巣から採卵した58卵と,飼育下で産卵した9卵合計67卵を用いて,人工ふ化および飼育に関する研究を行った. (1)営巣環境は,針葉樹林,針広混交林,カラマツ人工林,トドマツ造林地やササ地などであり,環境選択の範囲が広かった. (2)営巣期は,5月上旬から6月下旬で,1984年のふ化日は6月下旬の約10月間に集中していた. (3)産卵数は,調査した11巣では4-9卵で,平均7卵であった.抱卵は雌だけが行い,巣立ちはふ化日の翌日であった. (4)飼育下における番いの雌雄は,配偶期に特徴的な交尾前行動を行い,その後に交尾した.造巣は雌が1日で造った.また,補充産卵性を利用して21日間に14卵を得た. (5)ふ化率は,ふ卵器で93%,チャボによる母鶏ふ化で71.4%で,抱卵日数は25日であった. (6)飼育については,ふ化後5週齢までは25°Cの育雛ケージで飼育し,餌は粗蛋白質を13-19%に調整して与えた.ひなは,休息と活動を周期的に繰り返し,集団的な行動をとる傾向が認められた.ひなの発育にともなう形態変化は顕著であった. (7)6週齢からは飼育舎に移し,5-8羽を1群として飼い,餌は粗蛋白質を13-15%に調整して与えた.この時期から羽つくろいや砂浴びなどを行い,行動に多様化が認められた.また,尻つつきが多発するようになった. (8)16週齢から成鳥とし,2-3羽を1群とした.餌は粗蛋白質を非繁殖期には10%,繁殖期には15%以上に調整して与えた.この時期から雌雄の特徴も明瞭になり,しばしば,誇示行動,雌追い,囀りなど,繁殖期と同様の行動が認められた.

English Abstract

Studies were made on breeding biology of the Hazel Grouse Tetrastes bo sia vicinitas in captivity and in Tokachi and Kushiro districts, eastern Hokkaido, between 1983 and 1984.
(1) In wild state nests were found in coniferous forests, mixed forests of coniferous and broadleaved trees, mature larch plantations, fir plantations and bamboo grass lands.
(2) The nesting period ranged from early May to late June and hatching days were concent-rated in the 10 days from 15 to 26 June in 1984.
(3) The clutch size varied between 4 and 9 eggs with an average of 7. Only the female incubated the eggs.
(4) In artificial breeding mating behaviors such as display, chasing female, singing and copulation were observed. Nests were built within a day. During a period of 21 days, a total of 14 eggs were laid when 2 or 3 eggs were left in the nest each day.
(5) Fifty eight eggs collected from nests in fields, and 9 eggs obtained from the birds kept in captivity were incubated artificially. The hatchability in artificial incubation was 93% by using the incubator and 71.4% by using “chabo”, a domestic fowl.
(6) Chicks obtained from 72 eggs were reared in captivity in 1983 and 1984. They reared up to 5 weeks of age in chick-rearing cages at 25°C. Rations of 13 to 19% crude protein were fed to them. Chick group-activities of walking and eating, and resting occurred alter tely.
(7) The juveniles, from 6 to 15 weeks of age, were transferred in sunny rearing cages. They were reared in groups of 5 to 8 birds. A ration of 13 to 15% crude protein was fed to them. They exhibited such behvaior as preening and sand-bathing. Cannibalism also occurred often in this age.
(8) The adults, from 16 weeks of age, were reared in groups of 2 or 3 birds. A ration of 10% crude protein was fed to them from October to February. From March to June, the crude protein was increased to a level between 15 and 20%. Adults at 16 weeks of age showed clear distinction betwwwn sexes, and exhibited mating behavior such as display and singing.

Note: This may be a translation of the abstract and not a text provided by authors.

Article Information

Title (non-english): エゾライチョウ Tetrastestes bo sia の生態および人工繁殖に関する研究 1. 繁殖生態,人工ふ化および飼育管理
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Year: 1986
Study Design: After
Authors: Ryoichi HAGA// Shuichi TAKAMATA
Journal: Japanese Journal of Ornithology
Volume: 34
Issue: 4
Pages: 105-125
City/state or province/country: Hokkaido prefecture, Japan