Effect of Reestablishment of Aquatic Macrophytes on Zoobenthos in a Eutrophic Shallow Lake

Effect of Reestablishment of Aquatic Macrophytes on Zoobenthos in a Eutrophic Shallow Lake

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利用在极富营养 型 的浅水 湖泊所 建立 的大 型 实验围隔系统 , 对水 生植被恢复后 底栖 动物 群落的变化作 了 为期 3 a 的研究 . 4 个 围隔 和 大湖对照 点共采集到 底栖 动物 3 8 种 , I 、 I 和 I 号 围隔人 工恢复沉水植被后 , 水 质得到明 显 的改善 , 底栖动物群落结构发生 明显 的变化 : 其种类项 目 、 个体密度和 生 物 量增 加 , 软体动物重新 出 现 , 生 物多样性提高 . 对底栖 动物与水生 植物之 间 的相互关系也作了 探讨

English Abstract

The effects of macrophyte reestablishment on zoobenthos were studied by using large-scale multi-celledclosure system installed in a hypereutrophic shallow lake, Donghu Lake, Wuhan, China. There were 38species of zoobenthos found in four experimental enclosures(Ⅰ, Ⅱ,Ⅲ, Ⅳ )and an adjacent sampling plot(Ⅴ) outsied the enclosures. The artificial reestablishment of maerophyies, dominated by submerged macrophytes, resulted in remarkable improvement of water quality and obvious increases of species number,indiaviduai density and biomass of zoobenthos in the enclosures Ⅰ, Ⅱ and Ⅲ. Moreover, as compeed to thecontrol enclosure Ⅳ and the adjacent samping plot (Ⅴ), some mollusca reappeared following the macrophyterestoration in the enclosures, and the biodiversity indicated by Shannon-Wiener’s index and Margalef’sindex also increased considerably. The relationship between submerged macrophytes and zoobenthos is alsodiscussed in thes paper.

Note: This may be a translation of the abstract and not a text provided by authors.

Article Information

Title (non-english): 富营养浅湖水生植被重建对底栖动物的影响
Country: China
Language: Chinese (simplified)
Year: 1997
Study Design: RCT
Authors: LIU BaoyuanQIU Dongru、WU Zhenbin
Journal: Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology
Volume: 3
Issue: 4
Pages: 323-327
City/state or province/country: Wuhan Province