Effectiveness of Conservation-oriented Agricultural Practices on Amphibians Inhabiting Sado Island, Japan, With a Consideration of Spatial Structure

Effectiveness of Conservation-oriented Agricultural Practices on Amphibians Inhabiting Sado Island, Japan, With a Consideration of Spatial Structure

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English Abstract

Throughout the world, agricultural landscapes have replaced tural grasslands and wetlands, often leading to drastic decreases in biodiversity. Recently, conservation-oriented agricultural practices aimed at restoring agricultural ecosystems have been increasingly implemented. The present study investigated the effectiveness of two types of practice, winter paddy flooding and the construction of a small ditch around paddies (a practice called “Ye”), on three amphibian species that use paddies, partially, for breeding (Ra or tiventris, Hynobius nigrescens, and Ra sp.) on Sado Island, Niigata Prefecture, Japan. These two practices are among several conservation-oriented agricultural practices occurring on Sado Island that have the goal of restoring populations of the Crested Ibis (Nipponia nippon). We examined the abundance of the three amphibians in 20 clusters of paddy fields (a total of 159 individual paddy fields) and used generalized linear models (or generalized linear mixed models) and Akaike’s information criterion to explain their distributions at two levels (cluster and individual paddy fields). We found that R. or tiventris and R. sp. were positively affected by either or both types of practice. Ra or tiventris responded to different practices at different spatial levels, suggesting the importance of establishing suitable spatial scales. In terms of landscape factors, intermediate levels of surrounding forest cover were necessary for R. or tiventris and H. nigrescens, although the effective spatial scales differed; no landscape factors were important for R. sp. To assess the effectiveness of conservationoriented agricultural practices in heterogeneous landscapes such as Satoyama, we propose that it is necessary to identify species that reflect differences in local potential habitats, rather than seek indicator species that could be used across all landscapes.

Note: This may be a translation of the abstract and not a text provided by authors.

Article Information

Title (non-english): 空間構造を考慮した環境保全型農業の影響評価: 佐渡島における両生類の事例
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Year: 2012
Study Design: CI
Authors: Haruka Uruma// Raita Kobayashi// Shota Nishijima// Tadashi Miyashita
Journal: Japanese Journal of Conservation Ecology
Volume: 17
Issue: 2
Pages: 155-164
City/state or province/country: Sado-shi, Niigata prefecture, Japan