Effects Evaluation of Conversing Farmland to Forest Or Grass Land in Loess Plateau Area

Effects Evaluation of Conversing Farmland to Forest Or Grass Land in Loess Plateau Area

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English Abstract

The loess plateau becomes famous for serious soil erosion,which has directly influenced agricultural production and security of people’s lives and properties of this area,and also influenced the development of the whole national economy.Through analyzing the origin reason of the loess plateau,the economic effects,the ecological effects and social effect of the loess plateau are appraised on basis of the policy of national conversing farmland to forest and grass land.The focal point is in terms of input and output to comparatively analyze the economic effects of conversing farmland to forest and grass land in the loess plateau that take routine seeds as an example.Thus some policies and suggestions are put forward.

Note: This may be a translation of the abstract and not a text provided by authors.

Article Information

Title (non-english): 黄土高原地区退耕还林还草效果评价
Country: China
Language: Chinese (simplified)
Year: 2002
Study Design: After
Authors: 侯军岐张社梅
Journal: 水土保持通报
Volume: 20
Issue: 6
Pages: 29-31
City/state or province/country: Shanxi(whole province covered), Gansu and Ningxia(partially covered)China