Effects of Small-scale Clearcutting Ma Gement on Species Diversity and Vertical Structure of Understory Vegetation of a Conifer Plantation Comprising Uneven-aged Stands, in Kyushu, Southern Japan

Effects of Small-scale Clearcutting Ma Gement on Species Diversity and Vertical Structure of Understory Vegetation of a Conifer Plantation Comprising Uneven-aged Stands, in Kyushu, Southern Japan

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小面積皆伐による異齢林施業が下層植生の種組成およびその構造に及ぼす影響を解析した。下層植生は, 樹木の生育環境および生活形の違いや垂直的な構造の違いによって特徴付けられた七つのタイプに分類できた。下層植生の垂直的構造に着目すると, 複数の階層が同時に発達するタイプは少なく, 亜高木層が発達する箇所の多くで, 低木層および草本層が未発達であった。また, 分類された下層植生タイプのなかで, 種多様度および垂直的構造の発達度合いの両方をともに高く維持しているタイプは検出されなかった。特に, 40年生以下のパッチでは, 一つの下層植生タイプがパッチ内に優占しており, 単純な構造であった。したがって, 小面積皆伐による異齢林施業の実施は, 林齢の異なるパッチをモザイク的に配置することで, さまざまな種組成や構造の異なる下層植生タイプを林分内に分布させることができ, 林分全体として多様な種組成および構造の複雑さを維持していると評価できた。

English Abstract

We investigated the effects of small-scale clearcutting ma gement on species composition and stratification of understory vegetation of a conifer plantation comprising stands of uneven age. Seven understory types were detected, which corresponded to the stand age of plantation patches. These understory types were characterized by degree of stratification and differences in composition of species characteristic habitats and life forms. There were few understory types in which all layers were fully developed in terms of tree abundance, indicating that the upper (sub-tree) layer limited the development of the lower (shrub and herb) layers. Similarly, no understory type had a high species diversity in all layers. Therefore, we suggest that ma ging stands of different age by the appropriate spatio-temporal arrangement of patches supports the various understory types, and thus maintains the complex structures and dy mics of the whole stand.

Note: This may be a translation of the abstract and not a text provided by authors.

Article Information

Title (non-english): 針葉樹人工林の小面積皆伐による異齢林施業が下層植生の種多様性およびその構造に及ぼす影響
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Year: 2009
Study Design: After
Authors: Hiromi Yamagawa// Satoshi Ito// Kotaro Sakuta// Nobuya Mizoue// Toshio kao
Journal: Journal of the Japanese Forest Society
Volume: 91
Issue: 4
Pages: 277-284
City/state or province/country: Yunohira, Yufuin-cho, Yufu-shi, Oita prefecture, Japan