Evaluation of Environmental Conservation Measures Using Meta-a Lysis: Breeding Success and Failure of Three Species of Rare Raptors Around Road Projects in Japan

Evaluation of Environmental Conservation Measures Using Meta-a Lysis: Breeding Success and Failure of Three Species of Rare Raptors Around Road Projects in Japan

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English Abstract

As part of the environmental impact assessment of public works (e.g., road, dam, rail, and power plant construction projects), raptors are often surveyed as environmental indicator species, and environmental conservation measures (ECM) for raptors are often required when construction projects are in progress. However, the effects of ECM have not been a lyzed statistically. We aggregated the cases of ECM exhaustively in tionwide road projects between 2009 and 2012, and a lyzed the effects of ECM based on 787 nesting successes/failures of three rare raptors (Northern Goshawk, Grey-faced Buzzard and Mountain Hawk-eagle) using the meta-a lysis approach. The results showed that there was no significant difference between the nesting success rates of each species before and during roadwork projects, and that there was no downward trend with decreasing distance to the roadwork zones. ECM notably increased the nesting success rate of the Goshawk. Thus, ECM succeeded in maintained the nesting success rates of three rare raptors to a level commensurate with levels prior to roadwork projects, and efficient and effective ECM should be continued in the future.

Note: This may be a translation of the abstract and not a text provided by authors.

Article Information

Title (non-english): メタ解析を用いた環境保全措置の効果検証:全国の道路事業での希少猛禽類3種の繁殖成否
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Year: 2015
Study Design: CI
Authors: Yusuke UENO// Keiichi HASEGAWA// Nodoka OSHIRO// Mayumi KANDA// Ryuji INOUE// Masao KURIHARA
Journal: Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers
Volume: 71
Issue: 6
Pages: 65-72
City/state or province/country: Japan