Evaluation of the River Ecosystem Values of Aquatic Wildlife Reserves :a Case of Chinese Sturgeon Natural Reserve in Yichang Reach of the Yangtze River

Evaluation of the River Ecosystem Values of Aquatic Wildlife Reserves :a Case of Chinese Sturgeon Natural Reserve in Yichang Reach of the Yangtze River

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论文根据长江湖北宜昌中华鲟自然保护区的特点 , 尝试对保护区所在江段河流生态系统 服务价值建立了评价体系 , 主要对该保护区河流生态系统服务价值中的直接使用价值和间接使 用价值进行了评估 。 结果表明 : 保护区生态功能服务年总价值为 59 920 ×104 元 , 以间接使用价 值为主要体现 , 占总价值的 66. 4%。 间接价值中以珍稀水生野生动物 ( 中华鲟 、胭脂鱼 ) 的保护 价值最高, 为 27 290 ×104元 年, 占总价值的 45. 54%, 远远超过了其科研价值 ( 410 ×104元 年 ) 。 表明保护区的建立对珍稀水生野生动物保护及其特有生境的保存 、产卵栖息地保留方面具有重 要意义 , 但政府应加强科研投入

English Abstract

SummaryChinese Sturgeon Natural Reserve (CSNR) is a typical river ecosystem in the middle of the Yangtze River. An evaluation system of the river ecosystem services of CSNR was established using the so-called 090004Market Price Approach090005, 090004Expense Payment Method090005, 090004Contingent Valuation Method090005, 090004Substituted Value Method090005, 090004Cost Analysis Method090005 and 090004Opportunity Cost Method090005. The results showed that the total values of the ecosystem goods and services of the natural reserve amount to an estimated 73.57 million USD. The use-values and non use-values were 72.5 and 27.5%, respectively. The direct use values, including fisheries, water supplies and others, reach a total of about 24.23 million USD; On the other hand, the indirect use values, which include endangered species, purification costs and degradation losses, have been estimated at cost levels of approximately 29.12 million USD, indicating with 39.6% its important role of the total value. Meanwhile the non-use values of CSNR in the Yichang Reaches of the Yangtze River were assessed by a contingent valuation method (CVM) and the willingness to pay (WTP), The study shows that the annual non-use values of CSNR is up to 20.22 million USD, of which its existence values is in the range of 8.59 million USD, its bequest values 8.03 million USD, and the option values around 3.6 million USD. This preliminary analysis indicates that this natural reserve represents a special hydro-ecosystem in China with the sturgeon as target species, which is highly valued. The value of endangered aquatic species is up to 25.2% of the total, which places much emphasis on aquatic species. Investment in scientific research and management is presently quite low, amounting to only 0.7% of the total; this fact incidates that research work should be given more concern and support. Limited by the data availability, data processing capacity and time given, result of this initial investigation only represents part of CSNR090005s assessable value, however, considering the reality that lots of water resource and hydropower projects are now on the way, this valuation will still be helpful to inform the public with the importance of protecting endangered aquatic wildlife and such special hydro-ecosystem.

Note: This may be a translation of the abstract and not a text provided by authors.

Article Information

Title (non-english): 水生野生动物自然保护区河流生态系统服务功能价值评价 — — —以长江湖北宜昌中华鲟自然保护区为例
Country: China
Language: Chinese (simplified)
Year: 2010
Study Design: After
Authors: GAN Fang;ZHOU YujingWEI QiweiFAN EnyuanDU Hao
Journal: Journal of Natural Resources
Volume: 25
Issue: 4
Pages: 574-584
City/state or province/country: Yichang CityHubei ProvinceChina