Experimental Fasting and Its Effect on Released Freeliving Oriental White Storks That Depend on Arti

Experimental Fasting and Its Effect on Released Freeliving Oriental White Storks That Depend on Arti

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兵庫県立コウノトリの郷公園では,鳥が上空から侵入することのできるオープンケージでコウノトリを展示 し,これに給餌しているが,試験放鳥によって野外に生息するようになったコウノトリが毎日決まった時間に, ここに侵入し採餌している.2010年末から2011年初めにかけて,国内で発生した鳥インフルエンザに対する防疫 手段として,この間,2度にわたって展示個体の収容と給餌中止が実施された.2度の中止前後での野外コウノ トリの出現を個体レベルでデータ収集し,解析を行なうことにより,給餌中止の効果を評価した.公開ケージで 記録された個体数は,給餌期間に比べ中止期間には有意に減少した.また,個体別にみると全体的に給餌への依 存度が低下し,なかにはほぼ完全に依存を諦めるものもみられたが,このことには個体の学習にもとづく行動様 式の変化が関わっていると考えられる.少なくとも 2ヶ月近い長期間の給餌中止およびこれの繰り返しは自立促 進に効果的である.

English Abstract

Food is artificially supplied every day for displayed Oriental White Storks Ciconia boycia in an open aviary of Hyogo Park of the Oriental White Stork
(HPOWS) and the food is taken by released storks living freely in Toyo-oka Basin. We stopped the food supplying experimentally (fasting experiment) between 25 Dec. 2010–2 Jan. 2011 and between 27 Jan.–22 March 2011, and monitored the change in number, appearance rate of the individually identified storks released from “before” to “after” the experimental periods. The number of storks recorded in the open aviary declined during the first experimental period, but after the re-start of food supplying the number of birds recovered. The members appeared were almost the same as those before the experiment, which suggests that the storks were dependent strongly on artificial feeding. However, after the second long-term experiment some storks never appeared at the open aviary. As a method of making storks independent of artificial feeding, the long period of fasting nearly two months are evidently effective

Note: This may be a translation of the abstract and not a text provided by authors.

Article Information

Title (non-english): 野外コウノトリへの実験的な給餌中止とその効果
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Year: 2011
Study Design: BA
Authors: Yoshito Ohsako// Yasuo Ezaki
Journal: Reintroduction
Volume: 1
Pages: 45-53
City/state or province/country: Hyogo Park of the Oriental White Stork, Toyooka, Hyogo, Japan