First Observation of Euroscaptor Mizura Nestlings, and Success in Transferring One Into Captive-rearing

First Observation of Euroscaptor Mizura Nestlings, and Success in Transferring One Into Captive-rearing

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京都府南丹市美山町の標高735 mの山林において1990年以来観察中のミズラモグラ営巣地を2007年5月29日に発掘したところ,巣の中に生後約10日とみえる幼獣が3個体居た.写真撮影のみをおこなって埋め戻した.同年6月17日に再度発掘した時には,離巣が近いけれども未離乳とみえる幼獣が2個体居た.うち1個体を捕獲し,飼育を試みた.はじめの1日近くはほとんど何も摂食しなかったが,その後ミミズとミールワームを短く切断して与えたところ摂食可能とわかり,飼育の継続に成功した.同年6月26日には,巣に残した1個体もそこには居なくなっていた.巣の内外にモグラの死体は見つからなかった.ミズラモグラ未離巣幼獣の観察と,このような発育段階におけるモグラ類幼獣の室内飼育ははじめての報告である.

English Abstract

Nestlings of the Japanese Mountain Mole, Euroscaptor mizura, were unveiled by excavation on 29 May 2007 to observe the current state of a moles’ nesting long-term at the same place. The nesting place had been located since 1990 in a montane forest of Kyoto, central Japan, indicated by the mushroom Hebeloma radicosum. We counted three young, and they appeared to be about 10 days old. They were only photographed and left in the nest, with the soil replaced. The nest was re-opened on 17 June 2007, where two nestlings remained. They appeared to be near to tal dispersal but never attempted to leave the nest; they did not yet seem to have weaned. One of the two was brought into captivity on the same day. This animal probably did not eat any foods given overnight. The next day it barely ate earthworms and mealworms, and only if they had been cut into pieces. This procedure of cutting foods e bled further rearing in captivity. The one left in the nest was not found there on 26 June 2007. This is the first report of observing E. mizura nestlings and of captively rearing a young talpid that had not yet left its mater l nest.

Note: This may be a translation of the abstract and not a text provided by authors.

Article Information

Title (non-english): ミズラモグラ未離巣幼獣の初観察と飼育条件下への持ち込み
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Year: 2009
Study Design: After
Authors: ohiko Sagara
Journal: Mammalian Science
Volume: 49
Issue: 1
Pages: 45-52
City/state or province/country: Miyama-cho, ntan-shi, Kyoto prefecture, Japan