First Test of Control of the Yellow Jacket, Vespula Germanica (hymenoptera: Vespidae), in the LanÍn-argentina National Park

First Test of Control of the Yellow Jacket, Vespula Germanica (hymenoptera: Vespidae), in the LanÍn-argentina National Park

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La avispa exótica Vespula germanica (F.) es un problema serio para las actividades humanas y para la conservación del ecosistema patagónico. Describimos la primera experiencia de control de esta avispa en zonas turísticas del Parque Nacional Lanín utilizando el cebo tóxico comercial Amaxis de Bayer. La prueba se realizó en dos zonas, de 12 hectáreas cada una. Subdividiendo ambas zonas en dos sectores, se probaron dos densidades de cebo, uno y cinco cebos por hectárea, y se monitoreó el consumo de cebo por la avispa y el estado y funcionamiento de las cajas-cebos. Mediante encuestas se estimó la abundancia relativa de la avispa y el grado de molestias provocadas por ellas luego del control. Aparentemente, no disminuyó dramáticamente la abundancia de avispas luego del control. Sin embargo, en una de las zonas, los visitantes ercibieron una menor abundancia relativa de avispas y un menor grado de molestia provocado por ellas, en coincidencia con un alto consumo de cebo, situación que no se repitió en la otra zona. Se concluye que el control de esta especie, en áreas medianamente extensas, con este método, es viable técnica y operativamente, aunque hay que realizar cambios de manejo para ser más eficaces en futuras experiencias.

English Abstract

The Yellow Jacket Vespula germanica (F.) is a serious problem for human activities and for the Patagonian ecosystem conservation. We described the first control experience of this exotic wasp in tourist zones in Lanin National Park using a commercial toxic bait (Amaxis) produced by Bayer company. We implemented the control at two sites, each of 12 hectares. Each site was subdivided in two sections, where one and five baits per hectare were ested and the bait consumption by wasps and the functioning of the commercial cages were monitored. By inquiries, we estimate the relative abundance of wasps and their impact level on tourist activities after the insect control. Apparently, the relative abundance of wasps do not dramatically decreased after the toxic bait management. However, in one site, the relative abundance of wasps and the impact level on tourist activities were lower, in coincidence with a higher bait consumption compared with the other site. We concluded that the use of toxic baits over dozens of hectares is a method technically and operationally viable although it is necessary to implement changes on their management in order to increase their efficiency in future experiences

Note: This may be a translation of the abstract and not a text provided by authors.

Article Information

Country: Argentina
Language: Spanish
Year: 2009
Study Design: CI
Authors: Sanguinetti Javier// Pedro Prieto// Marcelo Stancanelli// Gastón Marchiolli//Anabella Carp
Journal: BioScriba
Volume: 2
Issue: 2
Pages: -
City/state or province/country: Lácar-Yuco & Hua Hum / Argentina