Forest Management of Aborigines Tao in Lanyu (botel Tabago) and Its Effects to Forest Structure and Species Composition

Forest Management of Aborigines Tao in Lanyu (botel Tabago) and Its Effects to Forest Structure and Species Composition

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English Abstract

According the ways of selective cutting and multiple species management, the forest of Lanyu (Botel Tabago) was well cared by aborigine Tao. Most of the systems of modern silvilculture treatment including weeding, limbing, thinning and plantation were also well done by Tao. The structure of fruit production forest was simple, and their woody species diversity was low while compare to nature forest. However, the structure and woody species diversity of timber (for house and boat building) production forest were similar to nature forest which have multiple layers of vegetation profiles and high species diversity. The forest of Lanyu (Botel Tabago) was well management by Tao, and fitted the idea of sustainable management, although a few species, such as Neonauclea reticulata, Ficus pubenervis, and Terminalia catappa had fewer seedling and saplings in the sampled forestland.

Note: This may be a translation of the abstract and not a text provided by authors.

Article Information

Title (non-english): 蘭嶼達悟族之森林作業方式對林分結構、組成之影響
Country: Taiwan
Language: Chinese (traditional)
Year: 2003
Study Design: CI
Authors: Hsiang-Hua Wang//Li-Wan Chang//Yui-Ching Kao
Journal: Journal of National Park
Volume: 13
Issue: 1
Pages: 75-94
City/state or province/country: Taitung/ Taiwan