Future in Forest and Potentiality in Mountain—benefits of the Biological Measures for the Soil and Water Conservation in Sanmen River Watershed

Future in Forest and Potentiality in Mountain—benefits of the Biological Measures for the Soil and Water Conservation in Sanmen River Watershed

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English Abstract

Before harnessing the Sanmeng River watershed is characterized withvegetation damaged, a large amount of soil and water lost, the farmlandlost of water, soil and fertility, tillage layer becoming thinner and thinner, productivity gone down and lower ability to fight against drought.Also, river bed is raised and deposited greatly, large area of lower lyingfield created, which reduce the benefits. The harness measures adopted are as these: 1、to regulate the structure and distrbution of forestry,to expand vegetation; 2、to persist in the steep land returned from tillage to forest and husbandry, and reclamation not to be permitted; 3、to develop economic forest for the increase of commodity products based on the superiority of the lower hill or gentle slope. The result is that the cover rate of forest is increased from 38% to 56.5%, the cubic meter amount stored of the standing trees from 18,000m3 to 59,00 m3,being2.3 tims in increase,the net income from them is 6.21 million yuan, andaccumulated ratio of output to input 17.22.

Note: This may be a translation of the abstract and not a text provided by authors.

Article Information

Title (non-english): 山区的希望在林,潜力在山—三门河流域水土保持的生物措施效益
Country: China
Language: Chinese (simplified)
Year: 1989
Study Design: After
Authors: 李既白刘国斌王瑞玉
Journal: 水土保持通报
Volume: 9
Issue: 1
Pages: 53-56
City/state or province/country: Huanggang CityHubei ProvinceChina