Growth and Development of the Black Woodpecker Dryocopus Martius in Captivity

Growth and Development of the Black Woodpecker Dryocopus Martius in Captivity

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1) 1984年6月13日,北海道中川郡音威子府村字物満内の山林において,ふ化後1-2週間と思われるクマゲラのひな2羽を保護し,7月22日まで40日間飼育した. 2) 餌はエゾアカヤマアリの幼虫•さなぎ•成虫と牛肉の赤身を与えた. 3) 体重は飼育開始時は各140,150gであった.40日目には260,280gとなった.ただし,13-22日目には体重の増加が認められなかった. 4) 翼長は各々110.116mmであった.40日目には225,235mmとなった.ただし32日目以降伸びはみられなかった. 5) 飼育10日目には,身体の翼基部裏面を除いて全身が羽毛で被われた.頭部の変形および頭頂部赤色斑の形状変化は10-13日目に著しかった. 6) 行動の変化では飼育10-11日目に飼育箱内壁面に止まり,12日目からはばたき行動を行なうようになり,18日目には飼育箱から飛び出し,35-37日目には飲水,水浴び行動を示した.また光の明から暗への変化が餌ねだりを誘発した.鳴き声の変化は10-11日目,14日目,21日目に起こった.

English Abstract

1) Two nestling Dryocopus martius assumed to be 1 or 2 week old were found in a broken nest at Monoma i, Otoineppu, Hokkaido on 13 June 1984. The growth and behavior of the nestlings was observed in captivity for 40 days.
2) During the course of study larvae, chrysalises and imagos of the ant Formica truncorum and beef were given as food.
3) Body weight increased from 140 and 150 g on the 1st day to 260 and 280 g by the 40th day, although there were no increase and some periods of decrease between the 13th and the 22nd day.
4) Wing length increased from 110 and 116 mm on the 1st day to 225 and 235 mm by the 40th day. There was no measureable increase in wing length after the 32nd day.
5) On the 1st day feathers covered only the head, neck and dorsal area, but wing and tail feathers began to appear on the 10th day. On the 10th day feathers covered the area beneath the wing. The hind head protuded and the red-spotted part formed as an isosceles triangle between the 10th and the 13th day.
6) The two nestlings clung to the wall of their box on the 10th and 11th days, flapped their wings on the 12th day, rushed from the rearing box on the 18th day, and drank water and bathed themselves on the 35th and 37th days. They begged for food when the light was put out. Their call changed on the 10th, 11th, 14th and 21st days.

Note: This may be a translation of the abstract and not a text provided by authors.

Article Information

Title (non-english): 飼育下におけるクマグラの成長
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Year: 1987
Study Design: After
Authors: Kouji MATSUMOTO
Journal: Japanese Journal of Ornithology
Volume: 35
Issue: 4
Pages: 155-164
City/state or province/country: Otoineppu-mura, kagawa-gun, Hokkaido prefecture, Japan