Impact of the Single Cutting in Summer on Species Composition, Coverage and Species Richness in Sicyos Angulatus Community in the Alien Species-rich River Through the Urban Area in Japan

Impact of the Single Cutting in Summer on Species Composition, Coverage and Species Richness in Sicyos Angulatus Community in the Alien Species-rich River Through the Urban Area in Japan

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English Abstract

To clarify that the removal of the domi nt alien plant in alien plant species-rich area incur the other alien species occupation without early restoration of the tive plant communities, we investigated species composition, coverage, the number of species per quadrate, and their transition during the first 75 days after the single-cutting in summer on the invasive alien plant Sicyos angulatus community, in I gawa River, Hyogo Prefecture. As results, in the cutting experiment, we found that during the transition from 0 to 75 days after the single cutting, trend toward an increase in the number of species per quadrate is common to alien and tive species, whereas the coverage of alien species increased threefold more than that of tive species. The cutting experiment replaces the domi nt species in the community from Sicyos angulatus to the alien plant Brassica juncea in the short term in the next spring. These results indicate that the elimi tion of the domi nt alien plant in alien plant species-rich area has a temporary positive impact on the species richness of tive plants in the community but cause the other alien species to domi te the community.

Note: This may be a translation of the abstract and not a text provided by authors.

Article Information

Title (non-english): 都市河川におけるアレチウリ群落での刈り取りが種組成・種多様性に与える影響
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Year: 2010
Study Design: BA
Authors: Yoshinobu HASHIMOTO
Journal: Landscape Research Japan Online
Volume: 3
Pages: 32-38
City/state or province/country: Itami-shi, Hyogo prefecture, Japan