Influence of Mowing Fallow Stocks of Juncus Acutiflorus in the Potential Protected Area ‘neibruch’ (grosbous, Luxembourg)

Influence of Mowing Fallow Stocks of Juncus Acutiflorus in the Potential Protected Area ‘neibruch’ (grosbous, Luxembourg)

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English Abstract

In the in the potential protected area ‘Neibruch’ near Grosbous (RNZH 18) occurring wet meadows, mainly stocks of Juncus acutiflora, an impoverishment, , due the the long term fallow, of plant species was observed. Since 1990 some areas of the meadows are being mowed yearly, this action is monitored in vegetation plots. In the mowed plots as well as in the untreated plots changes in species composition were observed. While in the mowed plots the average species richness increased, the richness in the untreated plots remained constant.

Note: This may be a translation of the abstract and not a text provided by authors.

Article Information

Title (non-english): Einfluss der Mahd auf brachliegende Bestände der Spitzblütigen Binse (Juncus acutiflora) im potentiellen Naturschutgebiet 'neibruch' (Grosbous, Luxemburg)
Country: Luxembourg
Language: German
Year: 1997
Study Design: CI
Authors: Klampfl//Steinbach
Journal: Bull. Soc. Nat. luxemb.
Volume: 98
Pages: 17-29
City/state or province/country: Grosbous, Luxembourg