Litter Size and Vagi L Smear in Microtus Montebelli

Litter Size and Vagi L Smear in Microtus Montebelli

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English Abstract

To be able to reproduce the vole (Microtus montebelli) intentio lly, the authors observed litter sizes and vagi l smears of female voles under the different social conditions (isolated, adjacent to a male, lived in a same cage with a male) . 1) There was little influence of the inbreeding (4 generations) and the seasons on litter sizes. Therefore, it seemed that the vole was able to reproduce throughout the year under the room condition (20-25°C) . 2) From the presence of cornified cells in the smears at copulation and with PMS treatment, these cells seemed to be an index of estrous in the female vole. 3) In the isolated feeding, leucocytes and nucleated cells were predomi ntly observed in the smears. Regardless of the presence of these cells, females showing a recurrent appearance of cornified cells were found in half the number (5/10 heads) . When females were lived in a same cage with males (1: 1), the recurrent females showed the same appearence rate as that of isolated feeding (13/24 heads) . Thus, the vagi l smear in the vole did not show a definite pattern by reason of individual difference.

Note: This may be a translation of the abstract and not a text provided by authors.

Article Information

Title (non-english): ハタネズミの産子数と膣垢像について
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Year: 1977
Study Design: After
Authors: Nobuo Goto// Ryoichi Hashizume// Ikuko Sai
Journal: Journal of the Mammalogical Society of Japan
Volume: 7
Issue: 2
Pages: 75-85
City/state or province/country: Japan