Long Term Feeding of the Endangered Amami Spiny Rat (tokudaia Osimensis) Under Laboratory Conditions

Long Term Feeding of the Endangered Amami Spiny Rat (tokudaia Osimensis) Under Laboratory Conditions

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アマミトゲネズミ(Tokudaia osimensis)は奄美大島に生息し,性染色体がXO/XO型(2n=25)という特異的な生物学的特性を持っているが,絶滅に瀕している.そこで本研究ではアマミトゲネズミの保全および将来的な実験動物化を目的として,その長期飼育を試みた.鹿児島県奄美大島で捕獲されたアマミトゲネズミ7個体(雌6個体,雄1個体)を,一般的な実験動物と同様の飼育環境(環境温度23±2°C,湿度50±10%,光周期L:D=12h:12h)に導入し,実験動物用の飼育ケージ,給水瓶,床敷きを用いて飼育した.飼料はスダジイ(Castanopsis sieboldii)の堅果,リンゴおよび実験動物用飼料を給与した.導入した7個体のうち6個体は937~2,234日間生存し,平均して4年以上(1,495.8±434.3日)の長期飼育に成功した.体重変動,飼料摂取量,摂水量および見かけの消化率の結果から,本研究に用いた実験動物用飼料はアマミトゲネズミの長期飼育に適していると考えられた.また,中性温域は26°C以上である可能性が示唆された.さらに,本種は飼育下においても完全な夜行性を示すことが明らかとなった.本研究によりアマミトゲネズミの終生飼育には成功したものの,飼育室下における繁殖の兆候は一切観察されなかった.今後,アマミトゲネズミの保全および実験動物化を目的とした飼育下繁殖には,飼育温度条件の見直しが必要であると考えられる.

English Abstract

The Amami spiny rat (Tokudaia osimensis), is an endangered species endemic to Amami Oshima Island, which is a part of the Ryukyu Archipelago in Japan and expresses an XO sex-determi tion system. Captive breeding must be used to help conserve this species. Here, we tried long term rearing in the laboratory with a similar condition for conventio l experimental animals such as mice (Mus musculus) and rats (Rattus norvegicus). In this study, although we could not achieve breeding, we succeeded in rearing more than four years (1,459.8434.3 days) for six out of seven Amami spiny rats introduced into our laboratory with the following conditions: room temperature 232°C, humidity 5010%, 12H dark and 12H light periods. We used conventio l cages, drinking bottles, woodchips, shredded paper for nest material, and normal experimental animal chow used for mice and rats. Judging from their weight gain, food intake, and faecal apparent digestibility, the experimental animal chow was a prefered food item for the Amami spiny rats. However, the thermoneutral zone for this species was estimated as more than 26°C. We suggest that successful in captive breeding of this endangered species requires particular attention to the appropriate room temperature.

Note: This may be a translation of the abstract and not a text provided by authors.

Article Information

Title (non-english): 絶滅危惧種アマミトゲネズミTokudaia osimensisの実験室環境における長期飼育
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Year: 2013
Study Design: After
Authors: Akio Shinohara// Fumio Yamada// Atsushi Kashimura// Shintaro Abe// Shinsuke H. Sakamoto// Tetsuo Morita// Chihiro Koshimoto
Journal: Mammalian Science
Volume: 53
Issue: 2
Pages: 335-344
City/state or province/country: Amami-shi, Kagoshima prefecture, Japan