Mammals and Birds as Tools for Environmental Education and Conservation in Biodiversity Corridors of the Cerrado, Brazil

Mammals and Birds as Tools for Environmental Education and Conservation in Biodiversity Corridors of the Cerrado, Brazil

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Este trabalho pretende atender a uma das propostas sugeridas no Planejamento Participativo de Educação Ambiental dos municípios do Corredor de Biodiversidade Emas-Taquari, um projeto integrado ao Corredor Cerrado-Pantanal. O Corredor de Biodiversidade Emas-Taquari, localizado na região de Cerrado, abrange 8 municipios, e suas áreas núcleo são o Parque Nacional das Emas e o Parque Estadual das Nascentes do Rio Taquari. A comunidade representada nas oficinas de planejamento solicitou cursos, treinamentos e orientação sobre os mamíferos e aves existentes na região. Foi assim que se criaram os Grupos de Observação de Biodiversidade (GOB) com os seguintes objetivos: ajudar a comunidade a conhecer, reconhecer e valorizar as espécies nativas de aves e mamíferos, transformando-os em ferramentas de conservação para a Educação Ambiental; associar pesquisas, informações de geoprocessamento e Educação Ambiental; incentivar o ecoturismo na região; e proporcionar à comunidade o sentimento de se sentir parte da biodiversidade local. Nos municípios de Serranópolis e Mineiros, localizados em região de Cerrado, 31 pessoas foram treinadas. Este grupo encontrou 32 espécies de mamíferos e diversas espécies de aves. Alguns mamíferos observados são espécies ameaçadas de extinção constantes em listas oficiais (e.g., Myrmecophaga tridactyla, Panthera onca, Puma concolor, Chrysocyon brachyurus, e outros). Os animais silvestres que foram observados representam a biodiversidade local, o que contribui para a Educação Ambiental e conservação, além de aumentar o potencial ecoturistico da região.

English Abstract

This work intends to respond to one of the proposals suggested in the sustainable participative planning of
environmental education of the Municípios do Corredor de Biodiversidade Emas-Taquari, project that is integrated to the Biodiversity Corridor Cerrado-Pantanal. This biodiversity Corridor Emas-Taquari, located in the Cerrado region, comprises 8 townships and its nuclei areas are both the Parque Nacional das Emas and the Parque Estadual das Nascentes do Rio Taquari. The community represented in the planning requested a training course and orientation about mammals and birds present in the region. That was how the biodiversity watcher groups (Grupos de Observação de Biodiversidade, GOB) were created with the following objectives: to help the community to know, to recognize and to valorize the mammal and bird species that are present in their region, turning them into conservation tools for environmental education; to associate researches, geoprocessment informations and environmental education; to encourage the regional ecotourism; and to permit the community to feel part of the local biodiversity. Thirty-one people were trained in Serranópolis and Mineiros townships, located in the Cerrado region. They found 32 mammal species and many birds. Some mammals observed are endangered species present in official lists (e.g., Myrmecophaga tridactyla, Panthera onca, Puma concolor, Chrysocyon brachyurus, and others). The wild animals that were watched represent the local biodiversity, which contributes to environmental education and to conservation, and enhances the potential for the regional ecotourism.
This work intends to respond to one of the proposals suggested in the sustainable participative planning of
environmental education of the Municípios do Corredor de Biodiversidade Emas-Taquari, project that is integrated to the Biodiversity Corridor Cerrado-Pantanal. This biodiversity Corridor Emas-Taquari, located in the Cerrado region, comprises 8 townships and its nuclei areas are both the Parque Nacional das Emas and the Parque Estadual das Nascentes do Rio Taquari. The community represented in the planning requested a training course and orientation about mammals and birds present in the region. That was how the biodiversity watcher groups (Grupos de Observação de Biodiversidade, GOB) were created with the following objectives: to help the community to know, to recognize and to valorize the mammal and bird species that are present in their region, turning them into conservation tools for environmental education; to associate researches, geoprocessment informations and environmental education; to encourage the regional ecotourism; and to permit the community to feel part of the local biodiversity. Thirty-one people were trained in Serranópolis and Mineiros townships, located in the Cerrado region. They found 32 mammal species and many birds. Some mammals observed are endangered species present in official lists (e.g., Myrmecophaga tridactyla, Panthera onca, Puma concolor, Chrysocyon brachyurus, and others). The wild animals that were watched represent the local biodiversity, which contributes to environmental education and to conservation, and enhances the potential for the regional ecotourism.

Note: This may be a translation of the abstract and not a text provided by authors.

Article Information

Title (non-english): Mamíferos e aves como instrumentos de educação e conservação ambiental em corredores de biodiversidade do Cerrado, Brasil.
Country: Argentina
Language: Portuguese
Year: 2008
Study Design: BA
Authors: Maristela Benites / Simone B. Mamede
Journal: Mastozoología Neotropical
Volume: 15
Issue: 2
Pages: 261-271
City/state or province/country: Mineiros, Serranópolis, Goiás state