Observations on the Breeding Habits and the Growth of Prio Ilurus Bengalensis Manchurica, in Captivity

Observations on the Breeding Habits and the Growth of Prio Ilurus Bengalensis Manchurica, in Captivity

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筆者は京城動物園から輸入されたチョウセンヤマネコPrio ilurus bengalensis manchurica (MORI, 1922) と, 思,われる1番を1963年より飼育して, 繁殖習性および仔の成長に関して観察を行なった。1963年より1966年12月までの観察期間中に4回の繁殖 (このうち1回は流産) があり, その後も観察を継続している。 これによると, 繁殖期は少なくとも飼育下では不規則のよらであった。発情は4~7日間継続した。妊娠期間は最終交尾から数えて63~66日, 最初交尾から数えて66~69日であった。1腹仔数は2~3匹であった。開眼は生後12~17日目にみられ, 視覚による反応は21~25日目に認められた。音に対しては生後17~19日目に反応を示した。耳介の形態と耳介後面の白斑の成長にともなう変化は第4図に示した。尾の形態の成長にともなう変化は第5図に示した。

English Abstract

The author has been kept a pair of Prio ilurus bengalensis manchurica (MORI, 1922), which was introduced from the Seoul Zoo, South Korea. Four litters were produced by the pair between 1963 to 1966. The results obtained from observations on the breeding habit of the pair and the growth of the kittens are as follows:
1) The breeding season seems to be irregular at least in captivity (Table 1) .
2) The heat continued 4 to 7 days (Table 1) .
3) Estimated gestation periods were 63-66 days when counted from the last copulation and 66-69 days from the first copulation.
4) Number of youngs per litter was 2 to 3 (Table 1) .
5) Eyes of the kittens were closed for 12 to 17 days, and the first visual responses were noticed in 21 to 25 days. The first responses for a sound were noticed in 17 to 19 days.
6) Age changes of the shape of auricle and a white marking on the posterior side of it are shown in figure 4. Age changes of the shape of the tail are shown in figure 5.
7) Replacements of the teeth are given in table 6 and 7.

Note: This may be a translation of the abstract and not a text provided by authors.

Article Information

Title (non-english): 飼育下におけるチョウセンヤマネコPrio ilurus bengalensis manchuricaの繁殖および発育
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Year: 1968
Study Design: After
Authors: Akiyoshi wa
Journal: Journal of the Mammalogical Society of Japan
Volume: 4
Issue: 1
Pages: 12-19
City/state or province/country: Japan