Population Status of Formosan Sika Deer (cervus Nippon Taiouanus) in Kenting National Park and Nearby Area

Population Status of Formosan Sika Deer (cervus Nippon Taiouanus) in Kenting National Park and Nearby Area

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墾丁國家公園從1984年起推動臺灣梅花鹿(Cervus nippon taiouanus)復育計畫,目前已成功在恆春半島建立野生梅花鹿族群,為了經營管理的需求,野生鹿群的擴散情形與族群數量需要持續監測。我們於2009年至2010年間使用穿越線調查法及發情期吼叫聲監測法,了解梅花鹿的分布及擴散情形,並以穿越線調查法、夜間聚光燈調查法及自動相機法對梅花鹿數量作保守估算。結果發現,墾丁國家公園內的野生族群密度保守估計為林地9.6-11.4隻 / km2,開闊地26.7隻 / km2,分布範圍南至埔頂,北方則和三台山區族群相連接;三台山區野生梅花鹿分布地點以出火北邊至三台山附近為主,已往東北擴散至老佛山、往北擴散至虎頭山,但族群密度很低(1.7-2.0隻 / km2),短期內應不易繼續擴散;九鵬基地野生梅花鹿主要分布在基地東側,基地西側有發現痕跡但數量極少,可能尚無穩定族群,族群密度也不高(2.1-2.4隻 / km2),狩獵壓力可能導致三台山區與九鵬基地梅花鹿數量成長速度不如預期。此外龍鑾潭西南岸之自然環境大部分都有梅花鹿生存,以自動相機捉放法估算本區梅花鹿數量為11-32隻;牡丹村的鹿群則停留在佳祿奶生態園區附近山區,總數約32隻。我們建議主管機關重視狩獵問題,開始研擬人鹿產生衝突時之處理辦法,加強對居民的環境教育,鼓勵當地學童參與墾管處舉辦的活動,並適度發展生態旅遊,由居民協助梅花鹿監測工作,以增進居民對生態保育之了解,緩和受野生動物損害時的不滿,從而與主管機關化解對立轉為互相合作。

English Abstract

The Formosan sika deer (Cervus nippon taiouanus) restoration program has been in place in the Kenting National Park (KTNP) since 1984, and a wild sika deer population has been successfully established. For proper management of the Park, the distribution and size of the wild sika deer population need to be continuously monitored. In this study, we monitored the sika deer population in KTNP, Mudan, Santai Mountain area, Jiupeng military base and Longluan Lake to determine the species’ status across the Hengchun Peninsula. In 2009-2010, yearly line-transect surveys of sights and signs and rutting vocalizations in the breeding season were used to study the distribution of this species. Moreover, line transect surveys, spotlight surveys and camera traps were used to determine the sika deer population size. The results showed that the sika deer of KTNP was dispersed to Puding to the south, and joined the population in the Santai Mountain area to the north. The population densities in KTNP were conservatively estimated as 9.6–11.4 deer / km2 in forest habitats and 26.7 deer / km2 in open habitats. The deer population in the Santai Mountain area was mainly distributed from Chuhuo Natural Fire to the vicinity of Santai Mountain, and expanded to Hutou Mountain to the north and Laofo Mountain to the northeast. However, the estimated population density was so low (1.7–2.0 deer / km2) that the expansion may be slow. At Jiupeng military base, the sika deer were mainly distributed in the eastern area of the base; however, few tracks were found in the western area. The estimated population density in this area was also low (2.1–2.4 deer / km2). The unexpected low growth rate of the aforementioned population might be due to the threat of hunting. We suggest that hunting issues be addressed in these areas. In Longluan Lake, the sika deer were distributed in the natural environment of the southwest coast. The number of sika deer was 11–32 (95% confidence interval, by the mark-recapture method). In addition, the deer in Mudan stayed in Jialunai garden and the neighboring area, with a population size of approximately 32 individuals. To avoid future human–wildlife conflict, we recommend promoting environmental education to local area residents, encouraging local students to participate in conservation activities hosted by KTNP, and developing ecotourism. In addition, the administration can train local residents to use spotlight surveys and camera trapping to help monitor sika deer population dynamics. This would help residents to better understand the concept of conservation and reduce their frustration over damage caused by wild animals. We hope these measures will improve the relations between the local residents and the Park administration by turning conflict into positive interactions and collaborations.

Note: This may be a translation of the abstract and not a text provided by authors.

Article Information

Title (non-english): 墾丁國家公園及鄰近地區臺灣梅花鹿之族群現況
Country: Taiwan
Language: Chinese (traditional)
Year: 2012
Study Design: After
Authors: Shih-Ching Yen//Ying Wang//Kuan-Jung Lai//Yu-Chuan Liao//Shih-Hao Kao//Kuang-Hsun Chen//Shun-Chi Chen
Journal: Journal of National Park
Volume: 22
Issue: 1
Pages: 27-40
City/state or province/country: Pingtung/ Taiwan