Potential for Restoring Grassland Plant Species on an Abandoned Forested Miscanthus Grassland Using the Soil Seed Bank as a Seed Sourc

Potential for Restoring Grassland Plant Species on an Abandoned Forested Miscanthus Grassland Using the Soil Seed Bank as a Seed Sourc

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English Abstract

We evaluated the key constraints in restoring the vegetation of abandoned overgrown woodland that developed on once semi- tural grassland by a lyzing the seed bank persistence of typical semi- tural grassland species. Approximately half of the grassland species recorded in the above-ground vegetation in typical semi- tural grassland were either scarce or absent in the soil seed bank. This scarcity indicates that the potential for grassland species restoration using the soil seed bank may be limited. Conversely, more than half of the grassland species recorded in the soil seed bank produced long-term persistent seeds, which may insure population re-establishment after restoration, even if the plants have disappeared from the vegetation. One year after the restoration treatment, 11 new grassland species emerged in the restored site. These new populations were suspected of having arisen from long-term persistent seeds in the soil, seeds dispersed from the edge vegetation, or ‘bud-bank’ or vegetative parts in the soil. The results of this study emphasize the importance of information not only on seed bank persistence but also on other traits related to plant reproduction or regeneration for the effective restoration of semi- tural grassland communities.

Note: This may be a translation of the abstract and not a text provided by authors.

Article Information

Title (non-english): 管理放棄後樹林化したススキ型装置における埋土種子による草原生植物の回復可能性
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Year: 2011
Study Design: BACI
Authors: Tomoyo KOYA GI// Yoshinobu KUSUMOTO// Shiri YAMAMOTO// Satoru OKUBO// Yoshiko KITAGAWA// Kazuhiko TAKEUCHI
Journal: Japanese Journal of Conservation Ecology
Volume: 16
Issue: 1
Pages: 85-97
City/state or province/country: Ibaraki prefecture, Japan