Preliminary Results of Monitoring of Northern Lapwing Vanellus Vanellus and Common Snipe Gallinago Gallinago in Kampinos Na�onal Park

Preliminary Results of Monitoring of Northern Lapwing Vanellus Vanellus and Common Snipe Gallinago Gallinago in Kampinos Na�onal Park

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W latach 2008–2012 monitorowano stan populacji czajki Vanellus vanellus i kszyka Gallinago gal-linago w Kampinoskim Parku Narodowym. Wyniki monitoringu wskazują, że wprowadzenie ko-szeń podmokłych łąk w Parku sprzyja zwiększaniu się liczebności czajki na tym obszarze, a mo-zaika terenów koszonych i zarastających stwarza dogodne siedliska dla kszyka. Liczebność czajki na badanych powierzchniach w latach 2008–2011 wzrastała, a w roku 2012 drastycznie się zmniej-szyła (o ponad 88%), co mogło być spowodowane jednorazowym wstrzymaniem koszeń, w efek-cie ulewnych deszczy i zbyt wysokim poziomem wód gruntowych w okresie lęgowym. Czynniki te nie miały wpływu na liczebność kszyka, która w trakcie monitoringu wzrastała.

English Abstract

The study was conducted in 2008–2012 in open areas of Kampinos National Park. The results of monitoring of northern lapwing and common snipe were analysed. The monitoring was carried out on 10 randomly selected plots, the size of 1 × 1 km. To determine changes in the number of birds, guidelines included in “Monitoring of Common Breeding Birds” were applied. During the monitoring, the number of northern lapwing initially increased, but then in 2012 a drastic decrease was observed. This was probably caused by a high groundwater level, which was observed during the nesting season and habitats covered with vegetation. The number of common snipe increased during the monitoring regardless of the water level and progress of mowing, and it probably depends on the availability of mosaic habitats. There were analysed types of plant communities selected by monitored bird species as nesting sites. The northern lapwing preferred four types of plant communities with low, mowed vegetation. The common snipe occurred in eight types of plant communities, mainly with high herbaceous vegetation, in unmowed or partly mowed fields.

Note: This may be a translation of the abstract and not a text provided by authors.

Article Information

Title (non-english): Wyniki monitoringu czajki Vanellus vanellus i kszyka Gallinago gallinago w Kampinoskim Parku Narodowym
Country: Poland
Language: Polish
Year: 2014
Study Design: After
Authors: Pepłowska-Marczak D.
Journal: Let's Protect Our Indigenous Nature
Volume: 70
Issue: 2
Pages: 117–126
City/state or province/country: Kampinos National Park/Poland