Propagule Banks of Submergent Plants in the Sediments of Lake Kasumigaura, Japan

Propagule Banks of Submergent Plants in the Sediments of Lake Kasumigaura, Japan

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沈水植物がほぼ完全に消失した湖沼である霞ケ浦において, 湖底の土砂に沈水柱物の散有体バンクが含まれている可能性を明らかにするために, 沿岸の漁港や植門の周辺から浚渫された土砂を, 水を溜めることができる実験施設内の面積約23,000m^2, 水深約0-100 cm の範囲にまきだし, 発生する植物を調べた.その結果, 絶滅危惧種であるシャジクモ, オトメフラスコモ, リュウノヒゲモや, 西浦では1990年代に入ってからの分布確認記録のなかったオオトリゲモを含む9種の沈水植物が認められた.沿岸域の湖底土砂中の散布体バンクは沈水植物を含む湖岸植生の再生に活用できることが示唆された.

English Abstract

The species composition of submergent plants in propagule banks found in the sediments of Lake Kasumigaura, Japan, was investigated. Soil was dredged from the lake and spread over a 23,000m^2 area of the littoral zone, which sloped gradually from 0 to 100 cm in water depth. Nine submergent plant species grew from the dredged soil, including three endangered or vulnerable species, Chara braunii, Nitella hyali , and Potamogeton pecti tus. These results suggest that distributing soil in the littoral zone is an effective approach for revegetation with submergent plants in Lake Kasumigaura.

Note: This may be a translation of the abstract and not a text provided by authors.

Article Information

Title (non-english): 霞ヶ浦沿岸域の湖底土砂に含まれる沈水植物の散布体バンク
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Year: 2003
Study Design: After
Authors: Jun NISHIHIRO// Shinichi TAKAGAWA// Shige ri MIYAWAKI// Miho AJIMA
Journal: Japanese Journal of Conservation Ecology
Volume: 8
Issue: 2
Pages: 113-118
City/state or province/country: Kasumigaura, Ibaraki prefecture, Japan