Re-introduction of the Raven Corvus C. Corax in the Monte Velino-montagna Della Duchessa Reserve (central Italy).

Re-introduction of the Raven Corvus C. Corax in the Monte Velino-montagna Della Duchessa Reserve (central Italy).

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English Abstract

State Forest Service has been carrying out a reintroduction project of Raven Corvus c. corax in the Monte Velino-Montagna della Duchessa Natural Reserve. Physical and vegetational features of Reserves are outlined. Feasibility studies showed high potential for the species in the area, where the Raven disappeared in the last decades. The Ravens to reintroduce were collected as nestlings from Calabria region. First birds were released in 1991 and in spring 1995 first nidifi- cation was reported. At present 6 breeding pairs occur and recolonization of cen- tral Appennines goes on. Reproductive data are outlined.

Note: This may be a translation of the abstract and not a text provided by authors.

Article Information

Title (non-english): La reintroduzione del corvo imperiale Corvus c. corax nella riserva naturale orientata del Monte Velino – Montagna della duchessa.
Country: Italy
Language: Italian
Year: 1999
Study Design: After
Authors: Stefano Allavena// Marco Panella// Mario Spinetti
Journal: Alula
Volume: 6
Issue: 1-2
Pages: 131-136
City/state or province/country: Riserva Naturale Orientata Monte Velino, Magliano dei Marsi and Massa d’Albe/L’Aquila/Italia