Research and Practice on Biodiversity in Situ Conservation in China: Progress and Prospect

Research and Practice on Biodiversity in Situ Conservation in China: Progress and Prospect

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中国是世界上生物多样性最丰富的地区之一, 但面临着较大的生态衰退风险。中国生物多样性受到的威胁 来自包括人口众多、经济发展模式单一落后、工业化进程加快、气候变化和外来物种入侵等多种因素。生物多样 性的就地保护对于维护国家生态安全具有重要意义, 同时也是中国可持续发展的需要。本文就中国生物多样性就 地保护的研究成果和保护成就进行了回顾, 提出了未来应该着重加强的研究领域。中国生物多样性的就地保护研 究与实践主要集中在生物多样性资源调查、濒危物种管理和自然保护区建设等方面。中国政府在生物多样性就地 保护领域开展了大量卓有成效的工作, 发布实施了一系列的保护行动规划, 不断提高了生物多样性的保护水平。 中国的生物多样性就地保护经过了由数量发展到质量发展的阶段后, 未来的研究重点应该集中在生物多样性形成 与维持机制、生物多样性受胁原因与响应机制、生物多样性长期监测与评估、自然保护区有效管理和自然保护区 立法等方面。

English Abstract

Although China has a very rich biodiversity, it is also part of a region where biodiversity resources
have declined rapidly. Threats to biodiversity in China include a large human population, economic and industrial development, climate change, and exotic invasive species. In situ conservation of biodiversity is
needed for sustainable development and natural resource management in China. We provide a summary of
results of in situ conservation research and use these data to develop future research directions. The focal areas of in situ conservation research over the last 6 decades focused on biodiversity resource investigation,
endangered species management, and the construction of nature reserves. Large efforts including a series of
protection action plans were implemented by the Chinese government to improve biodiversity conservation.
Future research on in situ biodiversity conservation in China should focus on: (1) the mechanisms of the formation and maintenance of biodiversity; (2) identifying the major threats to the conservation of biodiversity; (3)
being coupled with long-term monitoring for the effective management and (4) legislation of natural resources.

Note: This may be a translation of the abstract and not a text provided by authors.

Article Information

Title (non-english): 中国生物多样性就地保护的研究与实践
Country: China
Language: Chinese (simplified)
Year: 2012
Study Design: No study design provided
Authors: MA JianzhangRONG KeCHENG Kun
Journal: Biodiversity Science
Volume: 20
Issue: 5
Pages: 551-558
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