Results of Reintroduction of the European Beaver (castor Fiber) in Russia: Problems of Harvesting of Its Resources

Results of Reintroduction of the European Beaver (castor Fiber) in Russia: Problems of Harvesting of Its Resources

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Подводятся итоги 75-летнего периода восстановления исторического ареала бобра в России. Современная численность бобра превышает 500 тыс. Ресурсы бобра систематически недоопромышляются. Российский ранок переполнен зарубежными меховыми товарами, в т.ч. и из меха канадского бобра. С целью интенсификации промысла речного бобра и заинтересованности отечественных меховщиков в использовании его шкурок необходимо резко повысить таможенные пошлины на ввоз в страну шкурок канадского бобра и изделия из его меха.

English Abstract

In a given paper the results of a 75-year period of restoration of a historical area of beaver in Russia are shown. During that period over 18ths individuals, including about 0.8ths heads of Canadian beaver captured in a north-western region to which they naturally migrated from Finland, were settled. Current numbers of beaver are over 500ths individuals. Restoration of beaver’s historical area nears completion. In Karelia and Leningrad region Canadian beaver numbers exceed 9ths animals. Territories of cohabitation of Canadian and European beavers intensively increase. Introduction of beavers in the Far East remains low. Restricting factors are hydrological regimen of water bodies with recurrent high floods, thick ice crusts and deep freezing of water bodies, cyclonic and typhoon climate. Resources of beaver are regularly underharvested. Low purchase prices, preliminary payment of individual licences restrain the progress of fur harvesting. Russian market is overfilled with foreign fur goods including those of Canadian beaver. For the purpose of intensification of European beaver harvesting and attracting a keen interest of Russian furriers in using European beaver fells it is necessary to increase customs import duties on Canadian beaver fells and goods made of them.

Note: This may be a translation of the abstract and not a text provided by authors.

Article Information

Title (non-english): Результаты реинтродукции речного бобра (Castor fiber) в России: проблемы промыслового использования его ресурсов
Country: Russia
Language: Russian
Year: 2010
Study Design: After
Authors: Grevtsev, VI
Journal: Herald of Game Management
Volume: 7
Issue: 1
Pages: 123-127
City/state or province/country: all Russia