Survey and Analyses on Changes Between Traditional and Modern Hunting Techniques and Wildlife Conservation in Northwest Tibet,china

Survey and Analyses on Changes Between Traditional and Modern Hunting Techniques and Wildlife Conservation in Northwest Tibet,china

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藏西北地区有近两万年的狩猎野生动物历史 。 人们的狩猎活动对当地野生动物的种群产生了重要影响 。通过半结构式访谈 、实地考察及文献资料收集等方式 , 对藏西北地区传统与现代狩猎模式进行了对比分析 。 结果显 示 , 两种狩猎模式在目的 、方法 、工具等方面均存在较大差异 , 而且现代狩猎模式对野生动物种群的影响较大

English Abstract

There is about 20 000 years of hunting history in northwestern Tibet.These activities have important impacts on the wildlife population.Comparative analyses have been done between traditional and modern hunting techniques in northwestern Tibet based on data from semi-structure interviews,on site investigations and literature reviews.The results show that there are differences between traditional and modern hunting in terms of their corresponding hunting aim,methods and tools etc,and the impact of modern hunting on the ecosystem is greater than traditional hunting.

Note: This may be a translation of the abstract and not a text provided by authors.

Article Information

Title (non-english): 藏西北地区传统与现代狩猎模式变迁与野生动物保护调查分析
Country: China
Language: Chinese (simplified)
Year: 2011
Study Design: BA
Authors: Tsechoe DORJIJoseph L FOXKelsang DHONDUP
Journal: Sichuan Journal of Zoology
Volume: 30
Issue: 1
Pages: 141-143
City/state or province/country: northwestern Tibet China