The Comparative Behavioral Study on Crab-eating Mongoose in Different Population Desities

The Comparative Behavioral Study on Crab-eating Mongoose in Different Population Desities

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由於78及79年動物園飼養食蟹獴(Herpestes urva)的密度改變,研究者在此段時間觀察食蟹獴行為,並與76-77年所作之結果作一比較,以明寮密度對其行為之影響。結果顯示,三年中食蟹獴的隻數以77年最多78年最少,日活動模式及雌雄之間行為均受密度影響有顯著的差異,但活動模式仍呈雙峰分布,即在清晨5至7時及傍晚17至19時活動頻率最高。78年的近食、排便與排尿、玩耍和運動等行為所占百分率在三年之中較高,但敵對行為則較低。而且78年有兩次生殖紀錄,但在76-77及79年則無。這些都顯示在動物園目前有限空間下,飼養食蟹獴的密度以8隻比10隻以上適宜。

English Abstract

Between 1989 and 1990 a number of studies were conducted in the behavioral aspect of Crab-eating Mongoose (Herpeestes urva) in the Taipei Zoo. Within the three-year period the number of mongoose was the largest in 1998 and the smallest in 1989. In these three years, all of the captive animals showed crepuscullar habit and were more active after dawn (ie between 5-7 am) and before dark (ie between 5-7 pm) than at other time. The time budget of active and inactive bahavior varied between sexes and in three years. In 1989 eating, defecating, urinating, playing and locomoting were the msot frequently observed behaviors, while fighting was the least among three years. Two instances of reproduction were observed in 1989, but no reprodcuttion occurred un 1989 and 1990. Low population density therefore appeared to provide a less stressful environment for these captvie animals.

Note: This may be a translation of the abstract and not a text provided by authors.

Article Information

Title (non-english): 在不同密度下比較動物園食蟹蒙行為之差異性
Country: Taiwan
Language: Chinese (traditional)
Year: 1992
Study Design: CI
Authors: Chen Shun-Chi//Hsu Tsai-Liang, Wang Ying
Journal: Taipei Zoo Bulletin
Volume: 4
Issue: NA
Pages: 63-70
City/state or province/country: Taipei/Taiwan