The Effect of Different Restoration Measures on the Desertified Alpine Grassland in Zoigê*

The Effect of Different Restoration Measures on the Desertified Alpine Grassland in Zoigê*

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若尔盖高原是黄河上游主要的水源补给地,也是我国重要的生态安全屏障区,但近年来由于超载过牧、气候变 化、鼠害等原因出现了严重的沙化问题. 通过比较分析合理放牧、围封禁牧以及自然恢复3种恢复措施对若尔盖典型 沙化草地植物群落结构、生物量和土壤理化性质的恢复效果. 结果显示,恢复6年后,自然恢复草地恢复效果不明显, 而合理放牧草地恢复效果最好. 与自然恢复和围封禁牧恢复草地相比,(1)合理放牧使得草地植物群落盖度、物种丰 富度、地上生物量和地下生物量显著增加,分别为93%、 9、 396.41 gm2和693.4 gm2;(2)合理放牧恢复草地土壤容重、 pH显著降低;含水量、最大持水量、可溶性全氮、硝态氮、可溶性有机氮和可溶性有机碳显著增加. 本研究表明合理放 牧有利于沙化草地更快恢复,建议制定相关标准在适当区域进行应用和推广.

English Abstract

Zoigê plateau wetland is the third-largest peat swamp wetland in China. Ecological security of Zoigê plateau wetland
is not only related to biomass production, but also to the ecological balance of the Yellow River Basin. In recent years, due
to overgrazing and other factors, Zoigê grassland has suffered serious degradation and desertification, which have decreased
grassland productivity, and caused other serious ecological problems. Enclosure following reseeding is considered the most
effective way to restore desertified grassland. On the other hand, some researchers and local herdsmen have found reasonable
grazing after reseeding and early period enclosure more conducive to the restoration of the desertified grassland by increasing
the plant community coverage, the number of species, and gross primary production. To compare the effect of these two
recovery strategies, we measured the aboveground biomass, underground biomass, soil physical and chemical properties, soil
microbial carbon, soil microbial nitrogen and release rate of root exudates from the root of Elymus nutans. The results showed
that, after 6 years of restoration, compared with enclosure, grazing significantly increased plant community coverage (93%),
species richness (9), aboveground biomass (396.41 g m-2) and 0-20 cm underground biomass (693.46 g m-2)in the grassland. The
degraded grassland with grazing showed significantly decreased soil bulk density but significantly increased soil water content,
maximum moisture capacity, soil pH, total soluble nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, dissolved organic nitrogen, and dissolved organic
carbon. The results indicated that the reasonable grazing is more conducive than enclosure to the restoration of vegetation and
soil physical and chemical properties of degraded grasslands.

Note: This may be a translation of the abstract and not a text provided by authors.

Article Information

Title (non-english): 不同恢复措施对若尔盖沙化草地的恢复效果比较
Country: China
Language: Chinese (simplified)
Year: 2006
Study Design: CI
Authors: CHEN DongmingZHANG NannanLIU LinZHONG BoTANG ZhonglinYAN WenchaoXU LiangyingSUN Geng Liangying4 & SUN Geng1**
Journal: Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology
Volume: 22
Issue: 4
Pages: 573-578
City/state or province/country: Maixi Township, Ruoergai County, Sichuan Province, Eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau