The Significance of Wildlife Overpasses for Birds

The Significance of Wildlife Overpasses for Birds

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English Abstract

Wildlife overpasses or “green bridges” are built to mitigate effects of habitat fragmentation by linear infrastructure such as motorways. In the Alsace region in France and in south Germany the use of three overpasses by birds was studied, with emphasis on the crossings of the motorway over the passages in comparison to open stretches without overpasses. 42 bird species were observed flying over the motorway. In spring, woodland species used the wooded wildlife passages significntly more frequently than they were flying across the open stretch of the motorway. Species characteristic for more open habitats did not show any preference. Even though birds do not rely on wildlife passages, they can benefit from vegetated overpasses, if these are well designed and offer a habitat corresponding to the surroundings of the motorway.

Note: This may be a translation of the abstract and not a text provided by authors.

Article Information

Title (non-english): Bedeutung von Grünbrücken über Autobahnen für Vögel
Country: Switzerland
Language: German
Year: 1996
Study Design: CI
Authors: Keller//Bauer//Ley//Pfister
Journal: Ornithol. Beob.
Volume: 93
Pages: 249-258
City/state or province/country: Highway between France and Germany