To an Assessment of the Conservation Effectiveness of Red Data Insect Species in the Territories of a Nature Reserve and a Nature Preserve Within the Same Reservation (the Voronezhsky Biosphere Nature Reservation Taken as an Example)

To an Assessment of the Conservation Effectiveness of Red Data Insect Species in the Territories of a Nature Reserve and a Nature Preserve Within the Same Reservation (the Voronezhsky Biosphere Nature Reservation Taken as an Example)

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Разработана категориальная шкала состояния краснокнижных видов насекомых на территории Воронежского биосферного резервата. Эта шкала совместима с категориями редкости вида, зафиксированными в Красной книге РФ и региональных Красных книгах. Дана характеристика и определены индексы состояния 14 краснокнижных видов насекомых, отмеченных на территориях заповедника и заказника в пределах резервата. Эффективно сохраняемыми на территории заповедника (заказника) видами краснокнижных насекомых считали тех, которые имеют положительную разницу между индексом состояния вида на территории заповедника (заказника) и индексом состояния вида по данным, представленным в Красной книге РФ (региональной Красной книге). На территории заповедника эффективно сохраняется 6 краснокнижных видов насекомых, на территории заказника – только 4.

English Abstract

A category scale of the status of red data insect species occurring in the territories of the Voronezh Biosphere Nature Reservation and appropriate numerical values (from 0 to 4) of the state index (SI) of insect species are developed. This scale is compatible with the categories of insect rarity used in the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation (2001) and in regional red data books: the Red Data Book of the Voronezh Region (2011) and the Red Data Book of the Lipetsk Region (2014). Based on many-year long annual field data and collection material, characteristics are given of the status and SI of 14 insect species listed in the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation (and in the regional red data books as well) and occurring in the territories of the Nature Reserve (shared between the Voronezh and Lipetsk regions) and Nature Preserve within the Voronezhsky Biosphere Nature Reservation. Those red data species are considered as efficiently protected in the Reserve (Preserve) that have a positive difference between the SI of the species in the territory of the Reserve (Preserve) and the SI of the species listed in the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation (or a regional red data book). In the territory of the Nature Reserve, 6 red data insect species are found to be efficiently protected, versus only 4 in the Preserve.

Note: This may be a translation of the abstract and not a text provided by authors.

Article Information

Title (non-english): К оценке эффективности сохранения краснокнижных видов насекомых на территориях заповедника и заказника в пределах одного резервата (на примере Воронежского биосферного резервата)
Country: Russia
Language: Russian
Year: 2017
Study Design: CI
Authors: Emets, VM
Journal: Russian Journal of Zoology
Volume: 96
Issue: 1
Pages: 37-47
City/state or province/country: Voronezhsky Biosphere Reserve and Voronezhsky Sanctuary