Vegetation Recovery of Quarrying Sites in the Kitaikoma Area, Osaka

Vegetation Recovery of Quarrying Sites in the Kitaikoma Area, Osaka

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大規模な土砂採取のあと, 約10年前よりアカマツ・オオバヤシャブシ混植による緑化が行われた北生駒地域内15地点における毎木調査, 林床植生調査の結果, 植栽直後の乾燥によりヤシャブシが枯死したところではアカマツが生育するが, 両種が共存したところではヤシャブシによる被陰によりマツが枯死し, 混植の効果がないこと, 林床にはエノキ, クマノミズキなどが多く, かなり順調な植生回復が進行しつつあることなどが分った.

English Abstract

The growth of planted Alnus Sieboldia and Pinus densiflora trees in 15 sample plots in the Kitaikoma area was surveyed for the purpose of studying the process of vegetation recovery in sites greatly disturbed by quarrying of ‘masa-soil, ‘ a soil made by the weathering of granite rock. The growth of Alnus trees exceeded that of pine trees in a few years after the 1:1 mixed planting of very young trees, which resulted in the extinction of pine trees from the stand.
The number of plant species in the forest floor, including tree species such as Cornus macrophylla, Callicarpa japonica, Neolitsea sericea, etc., increased as the stand age increased.
The total nitrogen content in the top soil of Alnus stands has apparently increased with the passing of time, though the content was less than one-tenth of that of a near-by undisturbed Charnecyparis obtusa stand.

Note: This may be a translation of the abstract and not a text provided by authors.

Article Information

Title (non-english): 北生駒地域土取り跡緑化地における植生回復について
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Year: 1986
Study Design: After
Authors: Haruo SATO// Yasutoshi UMESAKO
Journal: Journal of the Japanese Institute of Landscape Architects
Volume: 50
Issue: 5
Pages: 173-178
City/state or province/country: Osaka prefecture, Japan