Survey: New marine interventions for ecosystems in rapid transition

Survey: New marine interventions for ecosystems in rapid transition

Prof Tiffany Morrison at James Cook University, Australia and her team are now looking for participants in their survey: new marine interventions for ecosystems in rapid transition.

Please find below the details and a link to the online survey in English, and the same survey translated in Spanish, Portuguese, French, Chinese, and Japanese here: Marine interventions survey invitations and links in multiple languages.


Survey: New marine interventions for ecosystems in rapid transition

Dear colleague,

Do you care about assisted evolution, cloud brightening, seaweed farming, translocation, coral propagation, and other novel marine interventions?

Whether you are a researcher, practitioner, or decisionmaker, we want to hear your views!

You are invited to take part in a short global survey about how new interventions in changing oceans are being proposed, assessed, and managed.

The results will be used to work directly with governments, NGOs, and donors to co-create practical guidance on how to govern new marine interventions in a changing climate.

The survey will take 15 minutes of your time and can be accessed from a desktop device via this link:

We also strongly encourage you to share this opportunity to be heard with your colleagues and networks.

Thank you in advance for contributing to this global effort,
Professor Tiffany Morrison & Professor Terry Hughes (James Cook University)
Professor Gretta Pecl & Dr Emily Ogier (University of Tasmania)
JCU Ethics Approval H8845 for Australian Research Council Discovery Project DP220103921