
We are happy to issue our July 2021 project update, which includes information on our recent preprints and papers as well as two workshops we organised to discuss language barriers. Hope you will enjoy it!...

Our new opinion piece "Ten tips for overcoming language barriers in science" has just been published in Nature Human Behaviour. Based on collaboration with scientists working in diverse disciplines (we met at eLife #ECRWednesday Webinar back in 2020), we have listed ten tips to help everyone...

We are excited to issue our first project update of the year! It contains the progress of the project components, and links to our recent publications, presentations as well as a list of academic journals committed to addressing language barriers. Read the update here. Hope you will enjoy...

A new paper "Culturally diverse expert teams have yet to bring comprehensive linguistic diversity to intergovernmental ecosystem assessments" based on a collaboration with IPBES fellows has just been published in One Earth. We looked at how linguistic diversity is represented in eight IPBES assessment reports and...