
A new paper "Culturally diverse expert teams have yet to bring comprehensive linguistic diversity to intergovernmental ecosystem assessments" based on a collaboration with IPBES fellows has just been published in One Earth. We looked at how linguistic diversity is represented in eight IPBES assessment reports and...

Two honours projects, at the University of Queensland, on language barriers in conservation science are now available and we are looking for students who are interested in joining our translatE project. The first project aims to understand the prevalence and drivers of including non-English language studies...

Tatsuya gave a keynote presentation "Is non-English-language literature important in science?" at the second annual meeting of the Association for Interdisciplinary Meta-research and Open Science (AIMOS). The under-use of non-English-language literature in today's scientific activities is often based on the three common assumptions: (i) most scientific...

A new careers article published in the journal Science explains how language barriers hinder diversity in science, excluding a wide variety of opinions and perspectives, and discuss potential solutions. Tatsuya was interviewed by the writer and some of the work by translatE is featured in the...